- CasProcessor
- B25.tvcas
- TVTestVideoDecoder
- TvtPlay
- NicoJK
- jkcnsl
- TVCaptionMod2
- TVTDataBroadcastingWV2
Visual Studio
npm install -g yarn
Git for Windows
@echo off setlocal cd /d %~dp0 rem デフォルト設定 set ARCH=x86 set RUNTIME=dynamic set TARGET=Build set CONFIG=Release set REPO_DEL=False set CLONE_DIR= set OUT_DIR=TVTest\package rem 引数の取得 for %%i in (%*) do ( if /i "%%i" == "help" goto Help if /i "%%i" == "x86" set ARCH=x86 if /i "%%i" == "x64" set ARCH=x64 if /i "%%i" == "Both" set ARCH=Both if /i "%%i" == "dynamic" set RUNTIME=dynamic if /i "%%i" == "MD" set RUNTIME=dynamic if /i "%%i" == "static" set RUNTIME=static if /i "%%i" == "MT" set RUNTIME=static if /i "%%i" == "Build" set TARGET=Build if /i "%%i" == "Rebuild" set TARGET=Rebuild if /i "%%i" == "Clean" set TARGET=Clean if /i "%%i" == "Debug" set CONFIG=Debug if /i "%%i" == "Release" set CONFIG=Release if /i "%%i" == "del" set REPO_DEL=True ) if defined CLONE_DIR ( if not exist "%CLONE_DIR%" md "%CLONE_DIR%" cd /d "%CLONE_DIR%" ) if /i "%REPO_DEL%" == "True" ( if exist TVTest rd /s /q TVTest if exist CasProcessor rd /s /q CasProcessor if exist TvCas rd /s /q TvCas if exist TVTestVideoDecoder rd /s /q TVTestVideoDecoder if exist TvtPlay rd /s /q TvtPlay if exist NicoJK rd /s /q NicoJK if exist jkcnsl rd /s /q jkcnsl if exist TVCaptionMod2 rd /s /q TVCaptionMod2 if exist TVTDataBroadcastingWV2 rd /s /q TVTDataBroadcastingWV2 ) rem ソースのダウンロード if not exist TVTest git clone -b develop --recursive https://github.com/DBCTRADO/TVTest.git if not exist CasProcessor git clone https://github.com/logue/CasProcessor.git if not exist TvCas git clone https://github.com/logue/TvCas.git if not exist TVTestVideoDecoder git clone https://github.com/DBCTRADO/TVTestVideoDecoder.git if not exist TvtPlay git clone -b work-plus https://github.com/xtne6f/TvtPlay.git if not exist NicoJK git clone https://github.com/xtne6f/NicoJK.git if not exist jkcnsl git clone https://github.com/xtne6f/jkcnsl.git if not exist TVCaptionMod2 git clone https://github.com/xtne6f/TVCaptionMod2.git if not exist TVTDataBroadcastingWV2 git clone --recursive https://github.com/otya128/TVTDataBroadcastingWV2.git copy /v /y TVTest\src\TVTestPlugin.h CasProcessor >nul copy /v /y TVTest\src\TVTestInterface.h CasProcessor >nul rem Visual Studioのインストールフォルダの検索 for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 -property installationPath`) do ( set VS_INSTALL_DIR=%%i ) rem 開発者コマンドプロンプトの起動 call "%VS_INSTALL_DIR%\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -no_logo if /i "%ARCH%" == "Both" ( call :Build x86 if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 call :Build x64 if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 ) else ( call :Build %ARCH% if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 ) exit /b 0 :Build set ARCH=%1 if /i "%ARCH%" == "x86" ( set PLATFORM=Win32 ) else ( set PLATFORM=%ARCH% ) set TOOLSET=v142 if "%VisualStudioVersion%" == "17.0" set TOOLSET=v143 if /i "%CONFIG%" == "Debug" set RUNTIME= set TVTEST_CONFIG=%CONFIG% if /i "%RUNTIME%" == "dynamic" set TVTEST_CONFIG=%TVTEST_CONFIG%_MD set PLUGIN_CONFIG=%CONFIG% if /i "%RUNTIME%" == "static" set PLUGIN_CONFIG=%PLUGIN_CONFIG%_static rem ビルド pushd TVTest\src\LibISDB\Projects MSBuild LibISDB.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%TVTEST_CONFIG%;Platform=%ARCH% popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TVTest\src MSBuild TVTest.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%TVTEST_CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM% popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TVTest\sdk\Samples MSBuild Samples.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%PLUGIN_CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM% popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd CasProcessor MSBuild CasProcessor.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0 popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TvCas MSBuild TvCas.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%ARCH%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0 popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TVTestVideoDecoder\src MSBuild TVTestVideoDecoder.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM% popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TvtPlay\src MSBuild TvtPlay.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0 popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TvtPlay\BonDriver_Pipe_src MSBuild BonDriver_Pipe.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0 popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TvtPlay\TvtAudioStretchFilter_src\baseclasses MSBuild BaseClasses_VC14.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0 popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TvtPlay\TvtAudioStretchFilter_src\soundtouch\source\SoundTouch MSBuild SoundTouch.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0 popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TvtPlay\TvtAudioStretchFilter_src MSBuild TvtAudioStretchFilter.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0 popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd NicoJK MSBuild NicoJK.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM% popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd jkcnsl if /i not "%TARGET%" == "Build" ( if exist bin rd /s /q bin if exist obj rd /s /q obj ) if /i not "%TARGET%" == "Clean" ( dotnet publish --nologo -c %CONFIG% -r win-%ARCH% --self-contained true /p:Platform="Any CPU";PublishSingleFile=true;PublishTrimmed=true ) popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TVCaptionMod2\Caption_src MSBuild Caption.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0 popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TVCaptionMod2\src MSBuild TVCaption2.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%PLATFORM%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0 popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 pushd TVTDataBroadcastingWV2 MSBuild TVTDataBroadcastingWV2.sln /nologo /m /t:%TARGET% /restore /p:Configuration=%CONFIG%;Platform=%ARCH%;PlatformToolset=%TOOLSET%;RestorePackagesConfig=true popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 if /i "%TARGET%" == "Clean" exit /b 0 pushd TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\browser if not exist dist\TVTDataBroadcastingWV2.js ( call yarn install call yarn workspace @chinachu/aribts build call yarn run build ) popd if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 rem フォントのダウンロード pushd TVTDataBroadcastingWV2 if not exist fonts ( md fonts curl -L https://github.com/googlefonts/kosugi/raw/main/fonts/ttf/Kosugi-Regular.ttf -o fonts\Kosugi-Regular.ttf curl -L https://github.com/googlefonts/kosugi-maru/raw/main/fonts/ttf/KosugiMaru-Regular.ttf -o fonts\KosugiMaru-Regular.ttf ) popd rem TVTestのファイルの配置 pushd TVTest package.sh -a %ARCH% -c "%RUNTIME%" -t %CONFIG% -l all -o package -r "" popd set SRC_DIR=%PLATFORM%\%CONFIG% if /i "%ARCH%" == "x86" ( set SRC_DIR2=%CONFIG% ) else ( set SRC_DIR2=%SRC_DIR% ) set DST_DIR=TVTest\package\%ARCH%\%CONFIG% rem フォルダの準備 md "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\NicoJK" md "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\resources\dist" rem ファイルの配置 copy /v CasProcessor\%SRC_DIR%\CasProcessor.tvtp "%DST_DIR%\Plugins" >nul copy /v TvCas\%SRC_DIR%\B25.tvcas "%DST_DIR%" >nul copy /v TVTestVideoDecoder\src\%SRC_DIR%\TVTestVideoDecoder.ax "%DST_DIR%" >nul copy /v TVTestVideoDecoder\doc\TVTestVideoDecoder.txt "%DST_DIR%" >nul copy /v TvtPlay\src\%SRC_DIR2%\TvtPlay.tvtp "%DST_DIR%\Plugins" >nul copy /v TvtPlay\src\Buttons24.bmp "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\TvtPlay_Buttons24.bmp" >nul copy /v TvtPlay\src\Buttons32.bmp "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\TvtPlay_Buttons32.bmp" >nul copy /v TvtPlay\BonDriver_Pipe_src\%SRC_DIR2%\BonDriver_Pipe.dll "%DST_DIR%" >nul copy /v TvtPlay\TvtAudioStretchFilter_src\%SRC_DIR2%\TvtAudioStretchFilter.ax "%DST_DIR%" >nul copy /v TvtPlay\TvtPlay_Readme.txt "%DST_DIR%\Plugins" >nul copy /v NicoJK\%SRC_DIR2%\NicoJK.tvtp "%DST_DIR%\Plugins" >nul copy /v NicoJK\%SRC_DIR2%\*.exe "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\NicoJK" >nul copy /v NicoJK\NicoJK.ini "%DST_DIR%\Plugins" >nul copy /v NicoJK\Readme.txt "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\NicoJK_Readme.txt" >nul copy /v jkcnsl\bin\%CONFIG%\net8.0\win-%ARCH%\publish\jkcnsl.exe "%DST_DIR%" >nul copy /v jkcnsl\Readme.txt "%DST_DIR%\jkcnsl_Readme.txt" >nul copy /v TVCaptionMod2\src\%SRC_DIR2%\TVCaptionMod2.tvtp "%DST_DIR%\Plugins" >nul copy /v TVCaptionMod2\TVCaptionMod2_Readme.txt "%DST_DIR%\Plugins" >nul copy /v TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\%SRC_DIR2%\TVTDataBroadcastingWV2.tvtp "%DST_DIR%\Plugins" >nul copy /v TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\browser\dist\TVTDataBroadcastingWV2.js "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\resources\dist" >nul copy /v TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\browser\TVTDataBroadcastingWV2.html "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\resources" >nul copy /v TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\fonts "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\resources\dist" >nul copy /v TVTDataBroadcastingWV2\README.md "%DST_DIR%\Plugins\TVTDataBroadcastingWV2_Readme.md" >nul pushd TVTest rem バージョン情報の取得 for /f "usebackq tokens=2*" %%i in (`findstr /r /c:"^#define VERSION_TEXT_A" src\TVTestVersion.h`) do set VERSION=%%~j rem コミットハッシュの取得 for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`git rev-parse --short HEAD`) do set GIT_HASH=%%i popd set ARCHIVE_NAME=%OUT_DIR%\TVTest_%VERSION%_%GIT_HASH%_%ARCH% rem 7-Zipのインストールフォルダの検索 for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2*" %%i in (`reg query HKLM\Software\7-Zip /v Path`) do if "%%i" == "Path" set PATH=%%k;%PATH% if exist "%ARCHIVE_NAME%.7z" del "%ARCHIVE_NAME%.7z" rem アーカイブの作成 7z a "%ARCHIVE_NAME%.7z" ".\%DST_DIR%\*" -mx=9 -ms=on -myx=9 exit /b :Help echo %~nx0 [x86^|x64^|Both] [dynamic^|static] [Build^|Rebuild^|Clean] [Debug^|Release] [del] exit /b
TVTest.bat [x86|x64|Both] [dynamic|static] [Build|Rebuild|Clean] [Debug|Release] [del]
TVTest.bat x86 dynamic Build Release
バッチファイルと同じフォルダにある TVTest\package に出力されます。
ソースのダウンロード先を変更する場合は「set CLONE_DIR=」にフォルダパスを書きます。
アーカイブの出力先を変更する場合は「set OUT_DIR=」にフォルダパスを書きます。
cd TVTest
for /f “usebackq tokens=*” %%i in (`git remote show origin`) do set RESULT=%RESULT%%%i
if /i “%RESULT:~-19%” == “(local out of date)” (
echo [33;1mTVTestが更新されています[0m
if /i “%RESULT:~-12%” == “(up to date)” (
echo [36;1mTVTestは更新されていません[0m